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How Amethyst Became One of the Best Kept Royal Secrets

How Amethyst Became One of the Best Kept Royal Secrets

August 12, 2020

The regal violet colors of amethyst are sought after by both the experienced and new collector. Amethyst is the birthstone for February... the 33rd wedding anniversary stone... and a common semiprecious gemstone in today’s market. But what if we told you that the amethyst was once an extremely rare jewel? It was so rare, in fact, that only royalty were allowed to wear it!

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The Ancient and Fascinating History of Jade

The Ancient and Fascinating History of Jade

January 31, 2020

Jade is a gemstone that’s familiar to a lot of us. Its friendly green color welcomes anyone who gazes upon it. People have appreciated jade since the prehistoric era! Few stones on planet Earth have a history as rich as jade. How much do you know about this amazing gemstone? Get ready to put on your explorer’s hat and find out! We’re going back in time to follow the epic adventure of jade.

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